The t-Test is used in comparing the means of two populations. Critical values are the value that separates the rejection and non-rejection regions. Non-rejection region is the set of values that leads to nonrejection of the null hypothesis. Rejection region is the set of values leads to rejection of the null hypothesis. Regarding the testing hypothesis, there are some important terms. The first step in testing is to determine the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. The symbol $H_a$ represents the alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis reflects that there is an observed effect on the experiment. The null hypothesis consists of an equal sign. The null hypothesis reflects that there will be no observed effect on the experiment. The symbol $H_0$ represents the null hypothesis. = 18.6 - 14.6 √((12.5419) 2/5 + (9.1815) 2/5)Ī hypothesis test consists of two hypotheses, the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis or research hypothesis. Find the t-score by using mean and standard deviation.